Winter Solstice - a time to go inwards and discover Yourself
The energy fields that we exist within & continuously interact with moment to moment are composed of a variety of aspects.
3 of these aspects which influence us deeply are the Sun, Moon & planet Earth.
The Winter Solstice, when the North Pole is tilted furthest away from the Sun, gives us the longest night and the shortest day in the Northern hemisphere creating a very particular energetic environment.
Many traditions across the globe harness this particular energetic environment via a variety of methods to go inwards and discover deep aspects of self.
This is a very logical and frequently used practice, to tie in with the greater energetic environment and use this as a power within.
At the biological level – the longer nights and shorter days together with colder temperatures create changes that are more aligned with inward hibernation than outward creative expansion – for which the Spring energetics are often used.
Due to the nature of the Unknown, Darkness and the associated Mystery often one can be a little fearful of going deeply within. However, this inwards Yin aspect of reality is as natural as the outwards Yang aspect of reality and there should really be a harmonious balance between them.
The deeper level of self is sometimes described as the part of the iceberg that is below the waterline with the visible tip of the iceberg representing that which is in the conscious awareness.
There is an amazing energetic potential that can be catalysed if this is even partially uncovered or discovered depending on your perspective.
To fully utilize the Winter Solstice energies the chosen method to go inwards is started prior to the Winter Solstice (21:47 on Wednesday, 21 December this year) and then progressively used to culminate with maximum inwards Yin energies on the Winter Solstice.
Following this other outward Yang methods are used as the energies of the Sun and Day expand whilst the energies of Night contract.
If you feel that there is a deep yearning within for Inner Discovery why not align with the powerful Winter Solstice energetics and assist your Self-Realisation this December?
If you’d like to try our Winter Solstice Self Discovery sessions using Lucia No3 – the Lucid Light experience combined with LIVE Energy Diagnostics and Energy modulation
contact us.
We offer this at the Light centre, Monument either on a Saturday or a weekday.
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Lucia No 3 - light sessions
Video created by Black Dots Video
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LIVE Energy Diagnostics and Energy Modulation
Meditation to discover Yourself
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