Tranquil Retreats logo - Emotional balancing and upliftment – a key to harmony in a rapidly changing world - London Herts Essex - Lucia No3

Smiling girl - Emotional balancing and upliftment – a key to harmony in a rapidly changing world - London Herts Essex - Lucia No3

Emotional balancing and upliftment – a key to harmony in a rapidly changing world

We are emotional beings – our thoughts create emotional responses; emotions and emotional states naturally occur and then lead to thought processes, and then the external environment and interaction with others produces a plethora of emotions within us.

“These emotions create a cascade of bio chemistry that can be all encompassing.
Since emotions run every system in the body, don’t underestimate their power to treat and heal.”

If the emotional state is expansive and buoyant then life can be experienced as wonderful – but when the emotional state is disharmonious then emotional balancing and upliftment is important.

There are a myriad of ways to lift the emotional state and we unconsciously gravitate towards them as there is an innate desire to experience inner joy but if we choose to dwell in the stimulus that reduces emotional harmony - whether internally created by the mind for example or externally stimulated and then internally created such as our response to a situation – then consciously using emotional upliftment methods is crucial.

  • Girl smiling Man Stressed Emotional balancing and upliftment – a key to harmony in a rapidly changing world - London Herts Essex - Lucia No3

As our breathing pattern is such a powerful all round balancing mechanism, perhaps the simplest natural emotional upliftment method is via breathing methods.

However, if this doesn’t suffice then a combination of breathing methods with another emotional balancing method is more potent. The second emotional balancing method can be as simple as listening to some appropriate music or gazing into the sky and connecting consciously to nature and the heavens or it can be more elaborate through expressions such as Meditation, TaiChi, QiGong or Yoga.

The key here is to initiate the requisite emotional balancing methods as required and when required - especially if one notices that natural emotional balancing is not occurring as desired.

Fear is the root of emotional disharmony and in a rapidly changing world the unknown can create Fear unless there is a powerful intrinsic belief and faith in the benevolence of Reality even in the face of the unknown.

By consciously utilising emotional balancing and upliftment methods over a prolonged period of time one can programme the sub conscious to auto activate emotional balancing and upliftment methods which then leads to a rapid upliftment following a disharmonious emotional experience.

This programmed emotional balancing coupled with the natural emotional balancing we all possess is a very powerful antidote to Fear and the emotional chaos it can create.

Living in a duality on planet earth means that both positive and negative emotional states are to be experienced but the conscious choice to emotionally balance and then advancing further into emotional upliftment is always there to be made - as and when desired.

Balance and Uplift your Emotions with a Lucia No 3 - light experience

Lucia No3, Lucid Light experience sessions are used by Dr Proekl & Dr Winkler in clinical practice to alleviate depression, anxiety, stress and burnout.

For more information about Lucia No 3 - light sessions

Video created by Black Dots Video

WARNING: The above video contains footage of an extremely rapid flashing light, and should not be viewed by people who have epilepsy.

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1 Dr Candace Pert -

Lucia No3 - Light Therapy articles

How the Latest Developments in Light Therapy are Improving Physical and Mental Health
Health, Relaxation & Brain Wave states
Consciousness Expansion & Inner Evolution