Hypnosis Regression Past Life therapy - London | Essex/East Herts | Online image 1

Hypnosis & Regression therapy

About Hypnosis
About Regression therapy
About Past Life therapy
Booking options
About Leena de Silva


During the state of hypnosis you are in a light trance state. Often clients move between different states of awareness (Brainwave states such as Alpha, Theta & Delta) and this is quite normal. You can move in and out of awareness during the hypnotic state; remember what has been said, and hear things around you - but simultaneously be in a focused state of awareness.

Once in this hypnotic state, the subconscious can be accessed to uncover and change behaviour and thought patterns using therapeutic suggestions specific to you.

When in this state your consciousness will take on suggestions it needs and agrees to, it will not program you with anything you do not agree with or are not willing to take on.

Hypnosis is an effective method for overcoming unwanted behaviours and belief/thought patterns. The experience of overcoming limiting beliefs, thought patterns and unwanted behaviours can be empowering, helping you to live your life to it’s greatest potential.

Regression therapy

Regression therapy is a powerful method to access past events from your subconscious that may have caused an experience or trauma which hinders your life, sometimes leaving you feeling stuck or sometimes repressing a trauma which can often become stuck in the body.

This may have been during your adult or childhood years or even back to being in utero. Sometimes this may be from a past life.

Past Life therapy

Accessing a past life or alternate existence can bring great insight into your soul’s journey. One may access one life or multiple existences which are usually but not always related to the reason you have sought to access a past existence. Sometimes it can be because your soul is edging you forward to bring awareness to your existence or path. It may be where patterning or trauma that you are not able to resolve are manifest within you from a past existence and becoming aware of this can assist in dissolving and clearing it.

Experiencing past lives or other alternate existences can also be used to access and awaken gifts and talents within you to assist in moving you forward on your path and leading a more fulfilled human existence.

Your Consciousness is always guiding you.
Are you ready to hear the whisper of your Soul
to catalyse your journey of awakening to who you truly are?
Healing can occur on any of the three levels of Hypnosis, Regression or Past Life therapy. Your consciousness usually guides you and awakens you to where you need to go. If you are supposed to access, become aware of or bring to the surface something on your journey, it will happen for you when and in whichever state you are meant you. You are always in control of your journey, even if sometimes on a human level it can feel that you are not.

Hypnosis Regression Past Life therapy - London|Herts|Essex|Online image 2

Hypnosis Regression Past Life therapy - London|Herts|Essex|Online image 3

Hypnosis Regression Past Life therapy - London|Herts|Essex|Online image 4

Leena de Silva BSc (Hons), PGCert, C Dip, DPLT
Hypnotist, Regression and Past Life Therapist.
Trained under the Regression Academy and Past Life Therapy Association.
Registered member of Past Life Therapists Association and Lucia No3 Academy

She has been working with brainwave states and facilitating journeys since 2011.
    Her interest areas are working with:

  • Overcoming health concerns, genetic predisposition conditions, coping with illness & disease fears.
  • Working to empower higher conscious awareness of the body.
  • Expanding consciousness and accessing higher states of being.
General conditions such as fears and phobias covered, as well as limiting belief systems and thought patterns to empower clients to be more of their true self.

She utilises the Eriksonian hypnosis technique which is an effective method of hypnosis that emphasises creativity and the individual’s unique experiences, enabling the ability to tailor the therapy specifically to what you are wanting to resolve.

M Erikson has long been considered the father of modern Clinical Hypnosis and regarded as a pioneer of hypnosis.

Free Initial phone consultation (15mins) to discuss objectives and goals for Hypnosis, Regression and Past Life therapy.

Following this, initial sessions last for 90mins, includes full in-depth consultation and session.

Hypnosis Initial session - £90 (90mins)

Follow up sessions - £75 (60mins)

Depending on the nature of the reason for seeking hypnosis a course of 3-6 sessions is usually advised (60min sessions). Discounts are offered on multiple session bookings.

Assessment and progress is monitored throughout the course of treatment each week, including a guided recording to use between sessions to complement and enhance treatment.

Regression Therapy Initial session - £90 (90mins)

Follow up sessions - £80 (75mins)

Regression therapy follow up sessions vary depending on the outcome of the first session.

Past Life Therapy - £165 (120mins)

Booking Terms & Conditions
For alternative payment methods - direct Bank transfer - contact us for bank details.
Payment plan option avaliable if needed - Contact us
We will contact you with available dates & times for your chosen location.
Hypnosis & Regression therapy