Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic1

Jewel in the Lotus - QiGong Energy Workshop

Date & Time: Sunday 17th Nov
Jewel in the Lotus - QiGong Workshop 2.00 - 4.00pm
Limited to 12 places (6 places remaining)
WaiQi Energy emission 4.00 - 5.00pm
Limited to 6 places (Fully Booked)

Location: Vision Fitness Gym Studio
Barley Barn, Parsonage Farm, Church End, Henham
Essex CM22 6AN
(next to St Mary's Church and opposite The Cock Inn)

Free parking available

Teacher: Shi XingFa
About Workshop
Booking options
About Shi XingFa

Jewel in the Lotus - QiGong Energy Workshop|Tranquil Retreats|Essex/East Herts

Within the Energy field of the Heart there is an ability to transcend through the Heart centre - classically portrayed as the Jewel in the Lotus.

Through this energetic portal access to greater aspects of one's True Nature can be explored as well as allowing for a consciously driven evolution of one's Qi field that will permeate through the entire mental-emotional-physical energetic aspects of self.

This is extremely beneficial as has been discovered in recent scientific exploration into the Heart's benevolent actions throughout the whole body-mind system.

  • Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic2

Jewel in the Lotus

"The Jewel in the Lotus is something that words are unable to describe.

You need to be able to open your heart to the level which is all knowing, all accessible, where all wisdom comes through the heart, where the thinking is through the heart not from the mind.

It is the point of accessing more of your True Self, more of you as Infinite Consciousness.

This is more than your Higher Consciousness, this is accessing or connecting with you as the Infinite.

Dear humans, you feel that you are accessing what you think is your True Self or have connected so deeply to your Heart centre but there is much more to access before you can get to this space that is called the Jewel in the Lotus."

1 Wisdom of the Buddhas

Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic3
In this Jewel in the Lotus workshop we will use ShaoLin TangLangDuanDa HapChong QI GONG to uncover the Jewel in the Lotus.

ShaoLin TangLangDuanDa HapChong works powerfully through the Fire element (Heart and Pericardium Qi/Energy) and contains within it Earth, Cosmos & integration cycles.
Guided Chan meditation will then be utilised to view with and then through the Jewel in the Lotus.

As one uncovers the Jewel in the Lotus a direct experience of your True Nature can be realised, with great benefit to the Mental, Emotional and Physical Qi/Energy fields.

Jewel in the Lotus QI GONG practices are excellent for the following:
    • Desire to open, purify and expand the Heart centre energetics
    • Creating deep transformation throughout your Qi/Energy matrix
    • Raising your Energetic frequency
    • Direct perception of One's True Nature
    • A curiousity to Explore Beyond your current Reality experience

    Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic10
    External Qi emission

    Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic11
    Shi XingFa

    Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic12
    External Qi emission
    Shi XingFa
    Shi XingFa is highly experienced and has been providing Traditional Chinese Medicine - specialising in QiGong Energy therapy - in London, throughout the UK, Europe & on International Retreats Worldwide for over 10 years.
    Shi XingFa is an Energy Specialist offering QiGong Energy therapy sessions and LIVE Energy Diagnostics combined with bespoke QiGong Energy training schedules.
    Training since 1992 under ShiFu Shi DeLon (PhD), 31st generation ShaoLin Layman, ShaoLin Temple China and accepted by ShiGong Shi SuXi, the late Abbot of ShaoLin Temple China, as a ShaoLin Layman in 2001.

    Booking options

    £35 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm - Limited to 12 places)
    (6 places remaining)

    £50 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm) and 1 hour External Qi emission/WaiQiLiaoFa (4-5pm - Limited to 6 places)

    Over 65s - 10% off
    £31.50 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm - Limited to 12 places)
    (6 places remaining)

    Over 65s - 10% off
    £45.00 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm) and 1 hour External Qi emission/WaiQiLiaoFa (4-5pm - Limited to 6 places)

    Payment plan option avaliable if needed - Contact Us

    Jewel in the Lotus QiGong - Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic13

    Qi Gong/Energy Skill is the ancient system of Vital Energy Cultivation developed by Chinese QiGong teachers over many thousands of years. It is the fundamental aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine which works on harmonising the Qi/Energy flow of the Organs (ZangFu) & their associated Meridians (JingLuo) through Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, QiGong & TuiNa.

    Combinations of meditative focus, breathing methods, movement & stillness techniques are all aspects of QiGong, by interacting with & manipulating the Qi within our bodies as well as interaction with the multitude of Qi fields around us, one can achieve an abundance of Qi flow resulting in relaxation, health, rejuvenation & vitality.

    This workshop is open to all & suitable for all levels.

    We look forward to you joining us!

    For more information on any aspect of our Essex QiGong Workshops
    Contact Us