Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas image1

LIVE ONLINE QiGong Energy Meditations

These LIVE Online QiGong Energy Meditations cover many aspects of QiGong using classical training and meditative techniques to work with both the Internal Qi field (3 DanTians - Energy centres, JingLuo - Acupuncture Meridian network & the ZangFu - Yin & Yang organs) as well as External Qi fields (such as Tien - the Cosmos & Di - the Earth).

How it works:
Once you have booked your place you will receive a confirmation email with full joining instructions for the LIVE Online QiGong Energy Meditations at the specified time. Support is available should you require help setting up for the LIVE Online QiGong Energy Meditations - all in your instruction email.

Spaces are limited for each QiGong Energy Meditation and must be booked in advance.

On booking your space you will be emailed your own unique entry to the QiGong Energy Meditation.

LIVE Online QiGong Energy Meditations in 2023

Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas - LIVE Online Energy Meditation Course

Dates: Thursday Evenings 30th Nov - 21st Dec, 2023

Times: 9.00pm to 10.00pm

Location: From your home or location of your choice - online
(You will require an internet connection & speakers)

Booking Options: (over 65s qualify for a 10% discount see option below):

£48.00 Full course - 4 weeks

£15.00 - 60min session 9.00pm to 10.00pm

(Please inform us which session you intend on attending)

Over 65s Discounted rates - 10% off

£43.50 Full course - 4 weeks

£13.50 - 60min session 9.00pm to 10.00pm

(Please inform us which session you intend on attending)

Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas
QI GONG Energy meditation series

A series of 4 QI GONG Energy meditations, that can be taken as a course or individually, connecting to and embedding the Wisdom energies of the Cosmic Buddhas within your Qi/Energy Matrix.
  • Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas image2
Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas - QI GONG Energy meditation series

The Wisdom potential that is currently available is expanding in the ascension process now underway on planet Earth.

Through the access and expression of new Wisdom energetics both the catalysing of change and a truer expression of self can be realized.

Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas meditation series brings new energetics potentials to assist in this process through 3 energy pathways:
  • Wisdom of the Human
  • Wisdom of True Nature (Super Conscious self)
  • Wisdom of Bridging (Human – True Nature / Super Conscious self)

These Wisdom energy pathways allow for a by passing and dissolution of old energetic patterns giving greater access to one's unique Ascension timeline.

With the rapidly changing energetics of our times, harmonising and then evolving new potentials within self is of paramount importance.

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Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas image6
Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas image7

Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas
QI GONG Energy meditation series
Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas

"We are the Cosmic Wisdom Buddhas and we come to you to work with you.

Would you like to experience, hear and feel your True Wisdom, the True Wisdom in it’s various forms?

Working with this Wisdom to animate your body, your mind, your heart and to connect to your true self - to becoming true to you.

Dear humans it is time to tap into the True Wisdom of yourselves, deeper than the wisdoms that are known to you, deeper than the wisdoms that you can understand - going beyond what you know as wisdom in it’s various forms.

We wish to bring you the energies of Higher Wisdom, of Higher Wisdom in it’s many aspects, which will be revealed through the energetics that we bring to you in this course.

You may not understand it, your mind will try to decipher and try to understand what we mean - maybe even start to think about how and what it will be - but just wait dear humans, just wait, wait for the time."

Akshobhya, Cosmic Wisdom Buddha

Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas image3

In this Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas series - we will train classical ShaoLin QiGong methods to create essential changes in your Energy matrix and the potent foundational energy field in which the Cosmic Wisdom Buddha energetics will be embedded.

Over the duration of the course we will be working with energetic emanations from the 5 Cosmic Wisdom Buddhas:

  • Vairocana - Embodiment of Light
  • Ratnasambhava - Jewel born
  • Akshobhya - Immovable One
  • Amogasiddhi - Unfailing Accomplishment
  • Amitabha - Infinite Light

The energetic alignments and changes that can be realised through these Cosmic Wisdom Buddha energetic pathways is vast.

It is through one's direct personal experience of these new energys that initially balance and then evolution can be catalysed.

This energy meditation series is for those who have a keen desire to consciously ascend to a new energetic expression in this current time of great change in the consciousness potentials on our Earth.

This Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas series can be utilised for the following:

  • Experiencing the Wisdom Energies of the Cosmic Buddhas
  • Opening, Clearing & Removing old Energetics from one's Energy Matrix
  • Embeding new Energetics and templates
  • Raising your Energetic frequency
  • Catalysing Future potentials into the now
  • Consciously Activating your Ascension process
  • Emotional disharmony affecting thoughts, moods & actions
  • Agitated or restless mind
  • Physical injuries, aches & pains
  • Post surgery or medical intervention rehabilitation
  • Pre surgery or medical intervention strengthening
  • Increased Qi/Energy flow through areas that feel blocked, stagnated or weaker than others
  • Disharmony or lack of Balance in oneself
  • For the sheer joy of experiencing more Qi/Energy flow through your Qi/Energy matrix and the associated awareness & experiences.

Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Wisdom of the Cosmic Buddhas image9

Qi Gong/Energy Skill is the ancient system of Vital Energy Cultivation developed by Chinese QiGong teachers over many thousands of years. It is the fundamental aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine which works on harmonising the Qi/Energy flow of the Organs (ZangFu) & their associated Meridians (JingLuo) through Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, QiGong & TuiNa.

Combinations of meditative focus, breathing methods, movement & stillness techniques are all aspects of QiGong, by interacting with & manipulating the Qi within our bodies as well as interaction with the multitude of Qi fields around us, one can achieve an abundance of Qi flow resulting in relaxation, health, rejuvenation & vitality.

This course is open to all & suitable for all levels.

If you know of anyone who may enjoy or benefit from these
LIVE Online meditations please do inform them.

This practice has the numerous benefits of QiGong.

No previous training experience required

Please book your place for these meditations in advance.

Full easy to follow instructions on how to join the LIVE online Webinar are emailed to you once booked. Support available in setting up webinar for beginners.

We look forward to you joining us!
Note: You are welcome to book and attend individual sessions.

When booking your course or individual session joining links will be sent to the email you used for booking.

Please check your Spam/Junk folders in case the email has been filtered before you contact us