LIVE ONLINE QiGong Meditations
These LIVE Online QiGong webinars cover many aspects of QiGong using classical training and meditative techniques to work with both the Internal Qi field
3 DanTians - Energy centres,
JingLuo - Acupuncture Meridian network & the
ZangFu - Yin &
Yang organs) as well as External Qi fields (such as
Tien - the Cosmos &
Di - the Earth).
How it works:
Once you have booked your place you will receive a confirmation email with full joining instructions
for the LIVE Webinar at the specified time.
Support is available should you require help setting up for the webinar - all in your instuction email.
Spaces are limited for each webinar and must be booked in advance.
On booking your space you will be emailed your own unique entry to the webinar.
LIVE Online Qi-Gong Webinars in 2017
The Heart Mind Connection - LIVE Online Meditation Course
Dates: Thursday Evenings 13
th July - 8
th August, 2017
Times: 9.00pm to 10.00pm
Location: From your home or location of your choice - online
(You will require an internet connection & speakers)
£30.00 Full course - 4 weeks
£10 - 60min session 9.00pm to 10.00pm
Please inform us which session you intend on attending)
The Heart Mind Connection
A series of 4 Qi Gong Webinars that can be taken as a course or individually exploring the Heart Mind Connection
The Heart Mind Connection
The energy fields of our Brain & Heart are well known in the Medical context.
These two Energy fields can either interact in harmony or disharmony with the resultant effect on our mental, emotional & physical aspects.
This Heart Mind Connection, which has been part of Traditional QiGong practices since ancient times has shown interesting revelations under more recent scientific investigation,
"it is not as commonly known that the heart actually sends more signals to the brain than the brain sends to the heart!
Moreover, these heart signals have a significant effect
on brain function - influencing emotional processing as well as higher cognitive faculties such as attention, perception, memory, and problem-solving.
In other words, not only does the heart respond to the brain, but the brain continuously responds to the heart."
XinYi is the classical term for this Heart Mind connection and the metaphor of the Xin - Heart aspect - being like a Horse whilst the Yi -Mind - aspect likened to a Monkey.
This relationship between the Monkey & the Horse can either be in harmony for effortless creation & achievement or in disarray with ensuing chaos.
Modern science is now deciphering this relationship between the Horse & the Monkey shedding light on the ancient metaphor,
"In the new field of neurocardiology, for example, scientists have discovered that the heart possesses its own intrinsic nervous system - a network of nerves so functionally
sophisticated as to earn the description of a "heart brain".
Containing over 40,000 neurons, this "little brain" gives the heart the ability to independently sense, process
information, make decisions, and even to demonstrate a type of learning and memory.
In essence, it appears that the heart is truly an intelligent system.
Research has also revealed that the heart is a hormonal gland, manufacturing and secreting numerous
hormones and neurotransmitters that profoundly affect brain and body function"
Learn how to consciously access your Heart Mind connection to create a new Heart Mind synergy that not only optimises your state of being but has numerous mental, emotional & physical health benefits.
This series of 4 sessions will explore the Heart Mind Connection and can be utilised for the following:
- Desire to feel a more harmonious Heart Mind integration
- Emotional disharmony affecting thoughts, moods & actions
- Agitated or restless mind
- Physical injuries, aches & pains
- Post surgery or medical intervention rehabilitation
- Pre surgery or medical intervention strengthening
- Increased Qi/Energy flow through areas that feel blocked, stagnated or weaker than others
- Disharmony or lack of Balance in oneself
- For the sheer joy of experiencing more Qi/Energy flow through your Qi/Energy matrix and the associated awareness & experiences.
Qi Gong/Energy Skill is the ancient system of Vital Energy Cultivation developed by Chinese QiGong teachers over many thousands of years. It is the fundamental aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine which works on harmonising the Qi/Energy flow of the Organs (ZangFu) & their associated Meridians (JingLuo) through Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, QiGong & TuiNa.
Combinations of meditative focus, breathing methods, movement & stillness techniques are all aspects of QiGong, by interacting with & manipulating the Qi within our bodies as well as interaction with the multitude of Qi fields around us, one can achieve an abundance of Qi flow resulting in relaxation, health, rejuvenation & vitality.
Note: You are welcome to book and attend individual sessions.
This course is open to all & suitable for all levels.
If you know of anyone who may enjoy or benefit from these
LIVE Online meditations please do inform them.
This practice has the numerous benefits of QiGong.
No previous training experience required
Please book your place for these meditations in advance.
Full easy to follow instructions on how to join the LIVE online Webinar are emailed to you once booked. Support available in setting up webinar for beginners.
We look forward to you joining us!