Ascension - QiGong Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic1

Ascension - QiGong Energy Workshop

Date & Time: Sunday 30th June
Ascension - QiGong Energy Workshop 2.00 - 4.00pm
limited to 12 places (2 places remaining)
WaiQi Energy emission 4.00 - 5.00pm
limited to 6 places (FULLY BOOKED)

Location: Vision Fitness Gym Studio
Barley Barn, Parsonage Farm, Church End, Henham
Essex CM22 6AN
(next to St Mary's Church and opposite The Cock Inn)

Free parking available

Teacher: Shi XingFa
About Workshop
Booking options
About Shi XingFa


The process of Ascension now has an enormous potential to be catalysed in the new energetic fields that are available.

It is through direct interaction with these new energy potentials that the transformations, both small and large, are realised allowing for the Ascension process to take place.

Due to the currently incomprehensible nature of the new energetic fields to the mind aspect, it is via the Heart centre that the path of Ascension can be consciously directed.

This Ascension workshop will follow the 3 step path of the Spiral, the Vortex and the Still Point.
  • Ascension - QiGong Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic2


"It is time now to think of it as a process of magic being able to happen.

Are you able to let go of the energies that you need to let go of?

Are you ready & able & willing to transform yourself from deep within & deep without?

Are you able to allow yourself to transform to those levels? "1

The Vortex

"...creating a strong energetic field from this Vortex energetic, to spiral it, to bring it up into a higher octave, a higher level of existence to help you to shift from your dense level into your higher level of being, your higher frequency of being.

We will work at levels that will effect your entire Energetic field, merely existing in those higher level of frequencies, those higher energetics can dissolve away all those things that you no longer need.

Conscious & unconscious energetics can be touched, touched at a level that you may not understand, that you may not see."2
The Still Point
"…the Still Point is like the centre of the Multiverse from which all creation emanates.

It is everything and nothing, an indescribable point that exists paradoxically within you and outside of you.

When you reach the Still Point you will know that you are there.

So, we wish to bring you to this higher level of frequency, to bring you to the highest energetic potential that you can reach - to take you to the Still Point - that is where we will be going… "3

1,2&3The Infinites

Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Ascension the Vortex image5
Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Ascension the Vortex image6
Online LIVE Energy Meditation - QiGong meditation series - Ascension the Vortex image7
Still Point

In this Ascension workshop we will train Spiralling QiGong Energy techniques to Open, Clear and then Embed energetics into your Energy matrix to set the foundation for the Ascension energies.

Then we will enter the Vortex and the energies contained therein.

Within the Vortex's energetic environment deep cleansing and purification can be achieved which can open the pathway to directly experience the Still Point.

It is in the Still Point that the magic happens.

Through this process your unique Ascension timeline can be accelerated, assisting the catalysing of one's life path in it's various aspects.

The Ascension process when consciously activated is a pathway to vast transformation and creates a Conscious bridge to future potentials as well as establishing an access point to download these into your now reality.

This Ascension workshop is excellent for the following:

    • Opening, Clearing & Removing old Energetics from one's Energy Matrix
    • Embeding new Energetics and templates
    • Raising your Energetic frequency
    • Consciously enhancing your Qi/Energy matrix
    • Catalysing Future potentials into the now
    • Consciously Activating your Ascension process

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    External Qi emission

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    Shi XingFa

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    External Qi emission
    Shi XingFa
    Shi XingFa is highly experienced and has been providing Traditional Chinese Medicine - specialising in QiGong Energy therapy - in London, throughout the UK, Europe & on International Retreats Worldwide for over 10 years.
    Shi XingFa is an Energy Specialist offering QiGong Energy therapy sessions and LIVE Energy Diagnostics combined with bespoke QiGong Energy training schedules.
    Training since 1992 under ShiFu Shi DeLon (PhD), 31st generation ShaoLin Layman, ShaoLin Temple China and accepted by ShiGong Shi SuXi, the late Abbot of ShaoLin Temple China, as a ShaoLin Layman in 2001.

    Booking options

    £35 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm - limited to 12 places)
    (Only 2 places remaining)

    £50 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm) and 1 hour External Qi emission/WaiQiLiaoFa (4-5pm - limited to 6 places)

    Over 65s - 10% off
    £31.50 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm - limited to 12 places)
    (Only 2 places remaining)

    Over 65s - 10% off
    £45.00 for 2 hour workshop (2-4pm) and 1 hour External Qi emission/WaiQiLiaoFa (4-5pm - limited to 6 places)

    Ascension - QiGong Energy Workshop - Essex|East Herts - pic13
    Qi Gong/Energy Skill is the ancient system of Vital Energy Cultivation developed by Chinese QiGong teachers over many thousands of years. It is the fundamental aspect of Traditional Chinese Medicine which works on harmonising the Qi/Energy flow of the Organs (ZangFu) & their associated Meridians (JingLuo) through Acupuncture, Herbal Medicine, QiGong & TuiNa.

    Combinations of meditative focus, breathing methods, movement & stillness techniques are all aspects of QiGong, by interacting with & manipulating the Qi within our bodies as well as interaction with the multitude of Qi fields around us, one can achieve an abundance of Qi flow resulting in relaxation, health, rejuvenation & vitality.

    This workshop is open to all & suitable for all levels.

    We look forward to you joining us!

    For more information on any aspect of our Essex QiGong Workshops
    Contact Us